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Filtering by Tag: tabletop

November 2014

Tracy Cranley

It's been crazy busy since my last newsletter. I attended the Planning Committee meeting for the Foundation for Metrowest's Inspiration Breakfast, spoke to the senior citizens at the Friendship Circle and styled seven young women for the National Charity League's recent Mother-Daughter Tea and Fashion Show. Meanwhile at the store, seasonal traffic is picking up and the UPS man at the back door is overloaded with goods from our favorite artisans and designers. Our tabletop and gift departments are growing every day with new arrivals. Thanksgiving is just around the corner and now is a great time to stock up on linens, tabletop decor and hostess gifts.

This is the time of year that I tell everyone to strap on their seat belts. It's difficult not to notice that the holiday season is approaching -- between our early snow, the Target holiday commercials and the red and green candy at CVS (since the day after Halloween!). Since there are only four weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas, we have begun trickling our holiday decor and gifts up to the sales floor. We know it can be a stressful time of year for many of you, but be assured that we are all in this together and we promise to keep it fun and anxiety free!

Over the next couple of weeks, we will be putting up our trees, decorating our windows and preparing for Wellesley's Holiday Stroll on December 7. We hope you’ll stop by that day. We’ll be serving up Wasik's cheese along with champagne and some of our favorite artisan foods. We will also be giving away a Frasier Fir candle with every purchase that day. Did you know that Pine Straw is the proud sponsor of Holly the Trolley this year? We are beyond excited to bring back such a great tradition!

Keep an eye out for shopping tips, recipes and gift ideas. If you have any holiday ideas you'd like to share with our Pine Straw community, please post them on our Facebook page. We will be adding pictures and tips daily to help you enjoy the season.

In the meantime, have a very happy, healthy Thanksgiving. We cannot thank our customers enough for getting us to our fourth (!) holiday season. What a ride it's been and we are thankful to have the best customers, ever.